ఈ క్రింద సంభాషణ చదవండి, మీకే అర్ధం అవుతుంది. కావాలనే తెలుగు లోకి translate చెయలెదు.
courtesy: Gaurav Sabnis blog
Céline: And, what really surprised me, is that I was feeling with life, the same way am now. I was much more hopeful and naive, but the core, and the way I was feeling things, is exactly the same. It made me realize I haven't changed much at all.
Jesse: Yeah, I don't think anybody does; people don't want to admit it, but it's like we just...we have these innate set points.
Céline: Uh-huh.
Jesse: You know, it's like...nothing much that happens to us changes our disposition.
Céline: Really, you believe that?
Jesse: I think so. I read this study where they followed people who had won the lottery, and people who had become paraplegics, right. I mean you'd think that...you know, one extreme is gonna make you...euphoric, and the other suicidal. But the study shows that after about 6 months…
Céline: Uhum?
Jesse: Right...as soon as people got used to their new situation, they were more or less the same.
Céline: The same?
Jesse: Well, yeah...Like if they were basically an optimistic, jovial person, they're now an optimistic, jovial person, in a wheelchair. If they're a petty miserable asshole, OK, they're a petty miserable asshole with a new Cadillac, a house and a boat.